Why Topical CBD Oil is Just as Effective as Consumed CBD

by Cheryl Guinto |

There are several methods for using CBD oil and reaping the benefits. As you’re likely aware, it can be ingested through vaping, pill form, or used topically as a cream. But, depending on what you’re using CBD for, the method can really matter.

For instance, when using CBD for discomfort management, topical oils could be an easy, effective option for physical comfort. Here’s what you should know about using topical CBD oil for minor aches and overall comfort.


Various research shows that topical CBD oil can be an effective method to combat chronic discomfort. From joint health to normal inflammation, studies have found that topical CBD oil can be very efficient for providing comfort. There’s also research finding that CBD can help with more minor forms of discomfort like cramps and headaches. However, since some of these studies have been performed on animals, further research is needed to confirm CBD oil’s comforting effects on humans.


There are two key ways that topical CBD oil works to fight discomfort. First, the oil contains what are called endocannabinoids, or body signals that help you notice and manage various functions, including discomfort. CBD naturally raises the endocannabinoids in your body, helping to relieve minor discomfort.

Second, CBD helps limit your body’s inflammatory response when you have muscle soreness due to exercising or lifting weights. By working with the natural functions in your body, CBD eases a variety of discomfort and helps make you more comfortable, whether you’re dealing with a chronic condition or just temporary minor aches and soreness.


Topical CBD can come in a number of forms, like an oil, salve, lotion or even a patch. There are even CBD-infused bath salts and soaks to give you full-body relief. When you have an area of the body that’s uncomfortable, you can use topical CBD the way you would a lotion to help combat the discomfort. The great thing about topical CBD oil is that it doesn’t enter the bloodstream when you apply it—meaning that it really targets just the area where you slather it on.

And, just to give you a heads up: You need to apply it liberally. Skin is designed to keep anything put on it from entering the body. Choosing a product with a high concentration of CBD and making sure that you apply enough to get into your skin’s pores will give you the best results. If you’re using it in the bath, follow the product instructions for how long you should soak, to really reap the benefits.


Depending on the ailment you’re hoping to ease with CBD, you should use the most efficient method for comfort. For instance, if you’re using CBD oil for stress reduction, vaping is considered the fastest, most effective means since ingesting in this way can send the CBD and its healing properties straight to your brain. Topicals, by contrast, can take a bit longer to be effective. (And, as mentioned, concentration matters!)

Trying a sample on a sore muscle before making a purchase can be helpful—you may feel the effects right away, depending on the formulation.

Natasha Burton has written for Women’s Health, Livestrong, MSN.com, Cosmopolitan.com and WomansDay.com, among other print and online publications. She’s also the author of five books, including “101 Quizzes for Couples” and “The Little Black Book of Big Red Flags.”


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4851925/
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3371734/
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3048583/
  4. https://www.chiroeco.com/science-behind-cbd-topicals/
  5. https://www.shape.com/fitness/tips/should-you-try-cannabis-creams-pain-relief
  6. https://www.cannahealth.org/cbd-bioavailability-whats-the-best-way-to-absorb-cbd/
  7. https://www.consumerreports.org/marijuana/how-to-use-cbd-inhale-spray-apply-eat/